Tuesday, June 18, 2013



What is Love? The best way to define Love is through the most popular book in the world, The Bible. Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, nor is it boastful, love does not become jealous and love does not hold any grudges – what a summary.

The saying is true; “Love conquers all." Love creates peace and comfort, love is selfless and expects nothing in return, love is respectful and it honours at all times, love does not discriminate, love does not show anger, love always protects, hopes, trusts and perseveres, love is joyful and pure, love is compassionate and love is shown through the happiness in one’s heart for another.

Love does not imitate anything in the form of greed, selfishness, vanity, hate, curses, foolish speech, lust, violence, arguments and pride. Interesting to note how this list is flourishing in the world today as it never has before.

How would life be if the foundation was love?

Well, let’s start with what there wouldn’t be; there would be no wars as wars only start because of pride and/or greed – nothing more and nothing less, there would be no poverty as there would be no selfishness and greed, there would be fewer deaths around the world as there would be no murders, no rapes and no violence, there would be no divorces as there would be no reason to argue, disrespect or commit adultery, there would be no porn industry as love starts with loving yourself and loving your future wife/husband so there would be a common respect for each other and married life together, there would be no suicides as one would appreciate his/her life and would care too much about the effect it would have on others, there would be a decrease in cosmetic sales as there would be no vanity and ladies would love who they are inside and out (so there would be no need for all the makeup and exterior efforts of ‘beauty’), there would be no legal system as there would be no arguments and unfairness, there would be no racism as there would be no discrimination, there would be no thefts as one would respect another person’s belongings, there would be a reduction of the destruction to the natural habitat as there would be no greed and there would be an appreciation of nature etc.

All of this, summed up into one word… LOVE.

One question I have is simply; “What has happened to mankind?” Especially over the last 30 years. It has almost appeared that we live in a time where there is no such thing as real love?

But the truth is, there is real love, we are the love and we are called to show love at all times: 1 Corinthians 13:13 - “And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.”

Responding in love at all times is not easy at all, it is a battle that we can’t win alone, but that is where Christ comes in through His Holy Spirit, He has given us the power and the abilities to conquer our daily battles, it’s just up to us as individuals as to how we use what has been given to us in abundance.

What a true honour and blessing it is in knowing that we love, because He first loved us. – 1 John 4:19. (A brilliant reading of love can be found in 1 John 4:7 – 21).

On the topic of true love, I’d like to honour the most beautiful lady (in the existence of mankind), inside and out; Niharika, thank you and I love you.

What are your views of Love?

Thank you for reading this message.


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