Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Reflection of Christ

I think it's fair to say that so much of Christianity has been somewhat manipulated to suit the modern lifestyle of today. Rather than conforming to the will of Christ, Christ's will must conform to what is socially and morally acceptable today.  

It is of vital importance that what I say about this topic is true and correct without manipulation or distortion because The Word says that false teachers will be judged more harshly as they have the responsibility of speaking the truth to others.  

It's a sad reality but Christianity has become a profitable commodity worldwide. We now have "self help" books talking less about the truth of Jesus and more about encouraging a person to become a "more successful you."  


When Jesus in particular preached, the conclusion was one of two outcomes; either the mass were offended or they were blown away by the hard core truth. When Paul (disciple) preached, he was hard core. He even went as far as to point out fellow disciple's wrongs. Isn't this surely the guideline to preaching?

Have we not somewhat "altered" preaching over the years by addressing the body of Christ with "grey" messages which don't cause any offence (if needed) and just "tickle the ears of what people want to hear?" Or are pastors (as a whole) generally too scared to preach on messages with a harsh truth because it will cause people to leave which means a drop in tithes?  

So much of the new testament (in fact probably 90%) is about living a holy life. To hate what's evil, to love what God loves and to live a righteous life worthy of Christ.

If we are honest with ourselves, most "Christians" today are living a hypocritical lie in many ways because they don't fully know Christ, I say this firstly because it's true and secondly because if you fully know Christ, why would you sleep with your girl friend before marriage, murder someone, manipulate someone, be dishonest in your dealings, talk with foul language, have racism against others etc.

Titus 1:16 - "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."  

Matthew 7:22-23 - "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."  

Revelation 3:15-16 - "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  

These are hardcore truths about our faith, what makes it more powerful and frightening is the fact that it is meant for Christians and not unbelievers, yet many do not have their eyes opened or they do not want to believe it.  

The most common misconception of Christianity is God's Grace. God's Grace is for falling short in doing what is pleasing to The Lord in acts of righteousness, trying your best to be like Jesus; not becoming a Christian and doing/acting how you'd like to.  

Just like an employee is the reflection of the company it represents, so are Christians. We represent Christ. We show which kingdom we belong to and sadly, to the world, Christians in general are viewed no differently than atheists in how they act and in their speech.  

We need to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. James 5:20 - "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."  

Matthew 10:38-39 - "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

These scriptures are truth. Yes, God is love, but we can't deny the truth of His love. Jesus is coming for His spotless bride; the righteous who live by faith and who live holy lives through Him.  

1 Peter 2:12 - "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us."  

Thank you for reading this message.  


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Unbeliever to Believer

Unbeliever to Believer

I will be talking about my experiences from being an Unbeliever to being a Believer.

I've always been the logical type, I like facts and simplified knowledge.

When I was 19, I realised that there must be more to life than this routine of 'wordly satisfactions' as in work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep and then just losing yourself in the weekend and to forget about your past, to live in that present moment and to just enjoy it - I mean, you only live once, right?

I started seeing things in a new light, and this is my process:

I looked back on history and in particular, the last 30 years or so and realised how much things have changed. Technology and scientific break throughs, yes, but I was looking at the behavioural patterns of society and the thoughts behind it all.

How what was frowned upon or was illegal just 30 years ago has become a way of life today and is socially acceptable, almost as if you don't fit in with what everyone else is doing, you are almost weird and an outcast. I think it's fair to say that what was once bad has become good, and what was once good has become bad.

Some examples would include: Gay and Lesbianism, Divorce, Sex before marriage, Living together while dating, Dress code, Promiscuousness, Sexual analogies, Revealing outfits in sport and in beachwear, Morals and Values etc.

Some physical examples would be in natural distasters. More than 90% of the world's worst natural disasters have occured and still occur in America and Asia, why is this?

On a factual note, Asia has the highest idols present in the world, millions of people worship idols and false gods in India, China, Japan, Thailand etc. America is the centre of where movies and TV shows are made, in almost every movie or TV show in America there is blasphemy, it's socially acceptable.

Perhaps it's because God is sending out a message or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

In Africa, most Africans worship their ancenstors and various forms of gods. Why is it that Africa is the poorest continent in the world?

Perhaps it's because God is sending out a message or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

Israel and the Jewish population around the world forms less than 1% of the world's population. 4% of the population of the USA is Jewish, but 40% of the wealth of the USA is in their hands. Why is it that they are the most successful ethnic group in history and today in the form of wealth and riches?

Perhaps it's because God is showing His favour upon them or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

But then some may bring up the point of evolution and the big bang and various scientific conclusions and studies.

Let's start at the beginning. Everything made has been created by "matter" not so? What then created matter? Then one might say, "Matter was already there before anything was created." Interesting.

If I were to ask you to draw a circle on a piece of paper, you would take the pen and draw the circle, in other words; you created the circle. But was the circle already there before you created it? By all means, no, a creator (you) created and formed the circle.

One might say, "But there are facts on evolution, how man adapts to his environment over millions of years and there are facts of the big bang," that's fine, but it all boils down to the basics; what then created matter?

Regardless of a person's scientific background and degrees, it is impossible to answer this question, why do I say this? Simply because my question would be, "And what created 'that' and then 'that'?"

Many shy away from proving the existence of God, but I believe that we have more facts than those of the scientists.

Demons are real. There is physical proof of individuals who become demon possessed. Surely if there are demons, it then proves that there is a supernatural existence? Which would mean that there has to be a God?

A few signs/facts from Matthew 24:

SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL (God's Word, The Bible)
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the time will come." - Matthew 24:14

The gospel is now available in over 3900 languages and over 80% of the world's population has access to at least some portion of scripture in a relevant language.

"There will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places." - Matthew 24:7

1 in 6 people starve every day - that's over 1 billion people.
AIDS is increasing dramatically with over 50 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
Earthquakes have increased by over 50 times since the 1950's.

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." - Matthew 24:12

Close to half of all marriages end in divorce. There are a lot more people that break the law every day. Jails are overpopulated, countless crimes being committed etc.

"And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." - Matthew 24:6&7

Since World War 2, there has not been a year that has gone by without a significant war.
Global military expenditure has exceeded 1 trillion dollars per year since 2005.

Interesting to note how accurate these words are seeing as it was written many hundreds of years ago. This generation is the only generation in history where we can tick off each one of these signs from Matthew 24.

Some more basic facts:

The Earth has a covering around it called the ozone layer which protects us against the UV rays from the sun.
The sun is the perfect distance away from the Earth.
The moon has been orbiting the Earth since creation.
The Earth’s gravity keeps us in perfect orbit.
There are different currents in the ocean - distributing warmth and coldness around the Earth which has an effect on the weather.
There are millions of different animals, creatures, plant species and trees on Earth.

All of this, working in perfect harmony with each other. What would happen if just one of the cycles in nature had to stop or disappear?

A simple example would be; bees. If the world had no bees, humans would cease to exist within 5 years (according to one of the greatest scientific minds, Einstein) and it is true as they form a vital part in the processes of nature.

But surely "matter" knew this and it created bees in the way they were intended to be made because it adapts to the environment? I guess so, or perhaps it is a coincidence or a creation of God?

All must be a coincidence? That's for you to decide.

Below I have attached a few images of nature in its true beauty. Perhaps this is God's way of saying, "Wake up, open your eyes and smell the roses?"

Romans 1:19&20 - "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

The beauty about each individual is that we are all unique and we all have the ability to make up our own choices through our perceptions of life, however, this is all that it took for me to have my eyes opened and to realise that I can't live with "one foot in the world and one foot out."

Deuteronomy 30:19&20 - "I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented you with life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, so that you will live, you and your descendants and that you may love the Lord your God, paying attention to what He says and clinging to Him - for that is the purpose of your life."

I am forever grateful to have had my eyes opened. If you would like to find out more regarding this topic or have any questions/comments, please mail me:

What are your views of unbelief and faith?

Thank you for reading this message.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

World vs Spirit

World vs Spirit  

(This message might seem controversial to those who have a sensitive soul).  

Living in the world versus living in Spirit. What is the difference? Why is it so important? And how does it influence you today?  


In choosing a future wife or husband, more often than not, the sequence is as follows: Body, Mind, Spirit. Generally what happens is that your partner/spouse becomes a "poster" - nice from the front, but from the side there is no substance and no depth.  

Body comes first because it is seen first, Mind comes second because outside beauty is better than intellectual beauty and Spirit comes last because there is very little concern in an individuals faith.  

I believe that this is the main reason why there are so many divorces around the world. If your faith is equally matched between a husband and wife, then it is impossible for the mere thought of divorce to become an option. Too often marriage is seen as a "trial period" with divorce as a feasible option if the need arises.  

Should it not be Spirit, Mind and then Body? (Character and Beliefs, Intelligence and Wisdom and then Outside Appearance). An individual's faith can sum up how a person's character is. True character is displayed in the partner one chooses for his/her life.  

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy; If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up; If you give up, you're not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the one worth suffering for." - Bob Marley


The world teaches you to voice your opinions and to speak what is on your mind when you have been wronged, but having The Holy Spirit within you guides you in wisdom and self control.  

In my opinion, those who are loud have very little to say when they open their mouths because others are used to their voices and those who are quiet have true meaning in what they say because they know the meaning of their words.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain  


Entertainment in a nutshell is alcohol, drugs, sex and clubbing. This can lead to forms of anger, abuse, rebellion, hate, rape, theft, dishonour, regret, remorse and shame.  

Why is it that this form of lifestyle is flourishing in society today? I believe that it's simple; it starts in the home.  

Most of the time (if not all of the time) the reason why boys/men become gay and girls/woman become lesbian is one of three reasons: Either the father was not around much in the children's life or the father was too strict/soft in some areas or some form of abuse took place.

Why am I mentioning this? Family is one of the most fundamental areas in life, it moulds your values, principles and morals which together forms your character and who you are. More than half of who you are today was already made up before the age of 8 as your character (foundation) was built.  

A simple example would be in prisons, on Mother's Day, more than 80% of men would send a letter to their mother or "motherly figure" whereas if compared with Father's Day, less than 15% write letters to their father or "fatherly figure," why is this?  

Fathers have a vital role in a family (as do mothers), we have different roles and responsibilities, but all for a greater purpose than self.  

Whether you are a Christian or not phased about a faith, it has to be noted how accurate the bible is as it states that the strongholds and transgressions from previous generations of the father will be passed down to the sons.

An example would be that if your father or grandfather was a drunkard, there's a very good chance that you would be a drunkard as well. If your father was an abuser, there's a very good chance that you would be an abuser as well.  

Often the very thing in which we despise and do not want controlling our lives, controls our lives in the very end.

If the fathers were at the dinner table and all ate as a family every night across the world, I would guarantee that there would be hardly any crimes, rapes, theft etc. If ever there is an individual involved in drugs, self infliction, rape, theft, crime etc. - the chances are that they did not have a solid family foundation and that the father was not around as he should've been.

If you go to the root of the problems, it boils down to a lack of acceptance and true love, this causes a distorted view of what love and acceptance is which then leads to: drugs, self infliction, gangs, rape, crime, gay and lesbianism, violence, disrespect etc.


There is a disregard and disobedience to the Word of God in the world. If we were obedient to His Word, then God promises His blessings to us in the form of a good life and a life in abundance.  

Luke 11:28 - "Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice."

Deuteronomy 28:1 - 13 - "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom."  

How amazing is this promise? How do we assess if how we are living is righteous? A simple example would be the following: Normally if the majority is doing it, it is not righteous according to the life in which we should be living.

Galations 6:7 & 8 - "Don't be deceived; A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life."  

What are your views of World vs Spirit?  

Thank you for reading this message.  


Tuesday, June 18, 2013



What is Love? The best way to define Love is through the most popular book in the world, The Bible. Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, nor is it boastful, love does not become jealous and love does not hold any grudges – what a summary.

The saying is true; “Love conquers all." Love creates peace and comfort, love is selfless and expects nothing in return, love is respectful and it honours at all times, love does not discriminate, love does not show anger, love always protects, hopes, trusts and perseveres, love is joyful and pure, love is compassionate and love is shown through the happiness in one’s heart for another.

Love does not imitate anything in the form of greed, selfishness, vanity, hate, curses, foolish speech, lust, violence, arguments and pride. Interesting to note how this list is flourishing in the world today as it never has before.

How would life be if the foundation was love?

Well, let’s start with what there wouldn’t be; there would be no wars as wars only start because of pride and/or greed – nothing more and nothing less, there would be no poverty as there would be no selfishness and greed, there would be fewer deaths around the world as there would be no murders, no rapes and no violence, there would be no divorces as there would be no reason to argue, disrespect or commit adultery, there would be no porn industry as love starts with loving yourself and loving your future wife/husband so there would be a common respect for each other and married life together, there would be no suicides as one would appreciate his/her life and would care too much about the effect it would have on others, there would be a decrease in cosmetic sales as there would be no vanity and ladies would love who they are inside and out (so there would be no need for all the makeup and exterior efforts of ‘beauty’), there would be no legal system as there would be no arguments and unfairness, there would be no racism as there would be no discrimination, there would be no thefts as one would respect another person’s belongings, there would be a reduction of the destruction to the natural habitat as there would be no greed and there would be an appreciation of nature etc.

All of this, summed up into one word… LOVE.

One question I have is simply; “What has happened to mankind?” Especially over the last 30 years. It has almost appeared that we live in a time where there is no such thing as real love?

But the truth is, there is real love, we are the love and we are called to show love at all times: 1 Corinthians 13:13 - “And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.”

Responding in love at all times is not easy at all, it is a battle that we can’t win alone, but that is where Christ comes in through His Holy Spirit, He has given us the power and the abilities to conquer our daily battles, it’s just up to us as individuals as to how we use what has been given to us in abundance.

What a true honour and blessing it is in knowing that we love, because He first loved us. – 1 John 4:19. (A brilliant reading of love can be found in 1 John 4:7 – 21).

On the topic of true love, I’d like to honour the most beautiful lady (in the existence of mankind), inside and out; Niharika, thank you and I love you.

What are your views of Love?

Thank you for reading this message.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wisdom, Rich & Poor, Company

Wisdom, Rich & Poor, Company.  


Wisdom is often misinterpreted  as one who has intellect, but wisdom is so much more than that. Intelligence is knowledge and knowledge is the understanding of things; whereas wisdom is the understanding of life.  

One can have intelligence but lack in wisdom; whereas one who has wisdom will have knowledge as well. Knowledge can get you places; wisdom will guide you in places. Knowledge is boastful; wisdom is humble. Knowledge can get you a degree; wisdom is not taught in a degree. Knowledge uplifts you; wisdom empowers you. Knowledge is learned through books; wisdom is learned through experience. Knowledge gives titles; wisdom gives honour and respect. Knowledge speaks when asked; wisdom knows when and when not to speak.  

Everyone can obtain knowledge, but not everyone can have wisdom. Wisdom has no age and no limit, it's your counsel and your guide. In all that we can aim for, we should strive for wisdom.  

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley

James 1:5 - 6 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt..."  

What are your views of Wisdom?  


There has always been a divide between the rich and the poor and there always will be. Many rich people are driven by a passion for wealth and riches and many poor people are controlled by laziness.  

The one who is rich will have many friends and the one who is poor will have very few friends. The rich are controlled by greed and the poor are controlled by their comfort zone. Are those who are rich all controlled be greed? Not at all, there are many who have accumulated wealth and riches by not striving for it, but most people aim and strive for wealth and riches and are fueled by their own greed to get there.  

Be cautious to be around a rich man who is stingy in his ways, although he might say, "Come, eat as much as you want," he is just counting his costs and he will ask for favours of you at a later stage.

Society depicts one who has wealth and riches as one who is happy and enjoying life, but often the case is the opposite; how is this person's family life and how is he spoken of when his back is turned? Is not being honoured and respected so much more than acquiring material luxuries?  

The poor are controlled by their own laziness and comfort zone, most of those who are poor are waiting for governments to provide them with jobs, but is this the right attitude to have? What would happen if half of the population had to stop what they were doing and waited for governments to provide jobs for them?  

Positive memories last a lifetime but a positive bank balance deceives you in thinking that it does.

Being rich or being poor means nothing in a world which is going to pass away.  

"The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively." - Bob Marley

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  

What are your views of the Rich & the Poor?


The company in which we keep is vital, it will either help to grow you or it will stunt your growth. If we surround ourselves with those who are positive and full of insight, then we will become positive and full of insight; whereas if we surround ourselves with those who are negative and foolish in their ways, then we will become negative and foolish in our ways.  

It is just as important to never be complacent with where and who we are, it is so easy to become satisfied in our routines, but is life not so much more than that? Should we not always strive to better who and where we are at this moment?  

The saying is true; "Bad company corrupts good morals." Being around those who can improve who you are as a person is vitally important in today's age as there is no lacking in the foolishness within society that can corrupt the very foundation of the morals, values and principles in which we live by.  

Being around a mentor and a teacher can help give you the strength and self control needed when you might need to disagree with the majority.  

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain  

What are your views about Company?  

Thank you for reading this message.  


Friday, June 14, 2013

Generosity, Finance, Marriage

Generosity, Finance and Marriage.


Generosity is often defined as an expression of your true joy; the more joyful you are, the more generous you are to others and the more sorrowful you are, the less generous you will be.

Generosity is generally misinterpreted as one giving in his/her finances, but generosity goes far beyond that. Being generous to someone or a group of people is out of the love and joy that you have within you. It has nothing to do with how much money a person gives away to charities or to the poor.

True generosity is serving and anticipating the need. We serve out of our time, skills, helping, encouragement and finance.

Those who give in finance alone deceive themselves for doing good. A person who gives in finance will always be remembered as one who had riches and wealth, but one who gives in true generosity through his/her time, skills, helping and encouragement will leave a legacy.

Interesting to note how the most highly respected individuals in history have been generous in everything but finance.

What are your views on Generosity?


This area of life is probably one of the most challenging talking points in advising those under the age of 30 as most people have a distorted view of managing their finances (which is why most of the world countries are in debt).

A common mistake that most individuals make is simply living beyond their means, in other words they want to be "there" before their finances allow them that privilege. Society as a whole are managing their finances incorrectly, let me provide a simple illustration:

Wealth is being able to live without an income for a specified amount of time, in other words a "retiring period of living." An individual who earns a high salary, does not mean that he/she is wealthy; there are those that earn high salaries, but yet they are not wealthy because their expenses are too high.

One way to assess true wealth is by looking at your assets, subtracting your liabilities (incl. debts and outstanding tax - business and personal) which would give you your net wealth, then divide this up by your monthly expenses to see how long you would be able to "survive" for.

The scary fact is that many wouldn't be able to "survive" for a comfortable period of time. Let's use another example:

The escalation of the exchange rates, petrol price, population, inflation, rates & taxes and living expenses increase annually (as a whole).  If you aim to save a few million for your future, would it still be worth the same value by then? (Just a thought).

Are you guaranteed your job? as well as a salary increase every year along with inflation?

Would it not make sense that as the population increases, it would make it more challenging to find a job regardless of your degree? and as business expenses increase each year, would they not cut back on salary increases?

This would then lead to the majority of people relying on credit, which we know that the end result leads to more and more debt. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds around the world over the next 10 - 15 years.

It all boils down to acquiring as much wealth as possible and the only way to do that is to swallow any pride and to not live beyond the means in which your finance allows.

What are your views on Finance?


Although there was a time where marriage was a special covenant between two people and was a lifelong promise to each other; in today's age, marriage is defined differently to each person.

Marriage has lost its value in society as it is socially acceptable to live with a partner before marriage, and if it doesn't work out there is an easy alternative of the mistake in the form of divorce papers.

Society promotes sex because there are now condoms, birth control pills and many other contraceptives.

Interesting to note that since it became legal to have sex at a young age and it was accepted as normal to have sex before marriage, how the divorce rate has increased. Perhaps there must be a difference between lust and love?

Marriage is a wonderful thing created by God between man and woman. But yet it has lost its true meaning and its values over the years.

Marriage is about serving each other out of love and not out of duty. Husbands, if you want to be respected, then start showing your wife respect. Wives, if you want to be loved, then start showing your husbands love - harsh yes, but true.

There are many Christians who have sex before marriage, but is this how Christianity should be reflected? There are many Christian couples who are engaged who have sex before marriage because they are "almost married" - is this how Christianity should be reflected?

We always wonder why many people don't become Christians, and I believe that is because of the poor misrepresentation of what Christianity is. You might be the only Bible that people read.

There might be many views and disagreements regarding this topic, but this is based on my faith and my views.

Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil..."

What are your views on Marriage?

Thank you for taking the time of reading this message.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Career, Attitude and Speech

Career, Attitude and Speech.


This topic is probably one of the most important talking points as it has to do with a person's future. Many individuals start considering a future career path when they are around 16 years and older as they begin to take life more seriously (for most people).

The sad fact is that many choose a career for one of two reasons; They either know of a person in that particular career that is doing well or they choose a career based upon on the potential income they could be making at the end of the month. Very few choose a particular career path out of a passion or skill for it.

Society has depicted a distorted view of what our future should look like: "Nice car = happiness" or "once you have 'this' you will feel complete and at peace." But the reality is that 'having this' to ensure 'happiness' works on an individual's insecurities.

The truth is that having 'this' or 'that' does not and will not ensure happiness, but in the same breath, having a lack on finances can surely bring your spirits down and can keep you despondent. If you focus on 'having that' you will always be searching for true happiness.

True happiness is a choice that one chooses regardless of what society says about what 'happiness' is.

Money and riches will come and go, but true happiness can last a lifetime.

A common misconception that many people have is the following: Go to school, Go to a good university, Get the degree, Apply to a job, Get accepted, Make millions and retire by the age of 40. My answer to this is simply; If it were this simple, everyone would be millionaires.

Businesses generally look for an individual with experience accompanying the degree, rather than a 23 - 25 year old who has just graduated from university. Over the past few years, it is has been WHO you know, rather that WHAT you know.

This subject can be discussed in great detail but what it boils down to is that life out of school is not as easy as what some may think, and most importantly; choosing a career based upon finance is one of the most foolish choices a person can make, however, many only learn through experience.

"Love the life you Live; Live the life you Love." - Bob Marley

What are your views about choosing a Career?


An attitude is defined by the reaction a person chooses upon a given scenario, in other words, if you are driving a car and someone speeds past you and then starts driving in front of you, you then have the option of choosing an attitude in which you react in.

A person's attitude is directly linked to the person's ability of self control. Those who lack self control will have a poor attitude and those who are masters of self control will have a positive attitude.

Your attitude sets you a part from the rest. A positive attitude is contagious to those around you, it goes hand in hand with happiness as no individual can create your happiness and/or your attitude - only you have control and power over it.

One of the greatest battles of all is the battle of self, if this can be mastered then you have nothing to fear in life.

Your thoughts trigger an emotion which brings forth an attitude that leads to a behaviour - it starts with the inside battle before the outside comes to pass.

What are your views on how a person's Attitude should be like?


Your speech is what can make or break you - it's that simple. A person with wisdom will take heed in his/her words, but a foolish person speaks without reasoning. Your tongue is like the rudder of a ship, although it is small, it has the power to direct your future.

Once you say something, it is impossible to take it back. Those who have an outgoing personality will feel confident in who they are and will not doubt in what they say, but they lack wisdom in knowing when to speak and what they should be saying. It is better to be silent and to be considered as boring than to be the "life of the party" and spoken negatively of when your back is turned.

A person does not need to raise his/her voice to win an argument, nor does he/she need to curse to bring any emphasis to what is being said.

Your speech can either exalt you or destroy you. Simply put, if you surround yourself with those who are not wise in their speech, then don't expect to speak with wisdom.

Again, a person's speech is directly in proportion to a person's self control.

"It is better to be silent and to be considered a fool, than to remove all doubt." - Marc Twain

What are your views on a person's Speech?

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Honour, Respect, Serving and Success

For the first addition to my blog, I will be talking about the following points: Honour, Respect, Serving and Success.  


What is honour? I believe that honour should not have a definition in words, but rather it should be defined in one's actions. In today's society, to honour someone has been distorted and it has lost its integrity as the years have progressed compared with even 20 - 30 years ago.  

How do we honour someone? This can be defined in many ways, but I believe that it is simple; Listening to a person when he/she speaks without any interruptions, By keeping your word, By showing up on time, By the words you use to a person you don't know, The attitude in which you answer someone, The work ethic that you have for your employer, How you treat fellow colleagues and employees, How you treat your wife/husband, How you treat someone when no one is watching etc.  

Honour all boils down to how you treat someone else - regardless of how your emotions may be at that particular time.

Honouring someone shows whether you are master or a slave to your emotions.

Self control is one of the best "degrees" that there is which cannot be taught; yet many are still in pre school with this course.  

What does Honouring mean to you?


Respect goes hand in hand with honouring someone, if you don't respect a person then you won't honour that person. The most evident example of this sign within the last 20 - 30 years has been the disrespect shown to parents and any elderly person.  

What happened to obeying what is said by parents? What happened to helping an elderly person carry a parcel? What happened to opening the door for others? What happened to respecting someone when they speak? What happened to treating a person as a human being and not just a number or statistic?  

When you respect someone, you are honouring them; when you are honouring a person, you are showing your true character.  

Where you are today is because of the choices that you have made in the past; where you are tomorrow is dependant on your attitude and character - and this begins with the basic foundation of honour and respect.  

What does Respect mean to you?


Serving revolves around one simple word: Selflessness. When you serve, you serve for a greater purpose than for yourself. A practical example of this would be in the workplace. The fact is that if you are an employee, you are serving for the greater purpose of the business.  

This message is probably one of the most difficult messages to express to a group of people as the majority want to be leaders and not servants, but let me provide a new outlook: The way in which a business should be run is the owner should step down from his/her top floor office and not lead from the top, but rather to lead from the front.  

How do we serve someone? Most people think that it's by asking and then doing what is said, but a true servant anticipates the need and does it before the need arises. He/she serves with a dignity and delight.

Have you ever wondered how those who work hard and serve selflessly are always highly spoken of and how those who do not serve and are selfish in their ways are negatively spoken of?

What does Serving mean to you?

Success is defined differently to each person, for some it could be wealth and riches and for others it could be happiness. To me, achieving true success is about succeeding in all aspects of life regarding faith, family, relationships, generosity, fulfilling your purpose, lacking nothing and helping others through your time, skills or finance.

Many individuals think that success is about the nice cars and the luxury yacht in the bay, but most of the time (generally speaking) if you see a large house on the outside, it is very empty on the inside - what I am meaning is that there is no balance.  

The key to a successful life is to live a balanced life and focusing on the true importance of life, rather than focusing all of your time and strength on the extra digit of your pay check.  

Interesting to note how income has increased over the past 30 years, but the morals and values of society as a whole have decreased.

In my experience, the only way to achieve true success and happinness is through Jesus Christ.
I would encourage you to read "Men of Honor" written by Drummond Robinson, as well as "God's secret to Greatness" written by Dave Cape.  

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.