Thursday, June 27, 2013

Unbeliever to Believer

Unbeliever to Believer

I will be talking about my experiences from being an Unbeliever to being a Believer.

I've always been the logical type, I like facts and simplified knowledge.

When I was 19, I realised that there must be more to life than this routine of 'wordly satisfactions' as in work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep and then just losing yourself in the weekend and to forget about your past, to live in that present moment and to just enjoy it - I mean, you only live once, right?

I started seeing things in a new light, and this is my process:

I looked back on history and in particular, the last 30 years or so and realised how much things have changed. Technology and scientific break throughs, yes, but I was looking at the behavioural patterns of society and the thoughts behind it all.

How what was frowned upon or was illegal just 30 years ago has become a way of life today and is socially acceptable, almost as if you don't fit in with what everyone else is doing, you are almost weird and an outcast. I think it's fair to say that what was once bad has become good, and what was once good has become bad.

Some examples would include: Gay and Lesbianism, Divorce, Sex before marriage, Living together while dating, Dress code, Promiscuousness, Sexual analogies, Revealing outfits in sport and in beachwear, Morals and Values etc.

Some physical examples would be in natural distasters. More than 90% of the world's worst natural disasters have occured and still occur in America and Asia, why is this?

On a factual note, Asia has the highest idols present in the world, millions of people worship idols and false gods in India, China, Japan, Thailand etc. America is the centre of where movies and TV shows are made, in almost every movie or TV show in America there is blasphemy, it's socially acceptable.

Perhaps it's because God is sending out a message or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

In Africa, most Africans worship their ancenstors and various forms of gods. Why is it that Africa is the poorest continent in the world?

Perhaps it's because God is sending out a message or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

Israel and the Jewish population around the world forms less than 1% of the world's population. 4% of the population of the USA is Jewish, but 40% of the wealth of the USA is in their hands. Why is it that they are the most successful ethnic group in history and today in the form of wealth and riches?

Perhaps it's because God is showing His favour upon them or perhaps it's just a coincidence?

But then some may bring up the point of evolution and the big bang and various scientific conclusions and studies.

Let's start at the beginning. Everything made has been created by "matter" not so? What then created matter? Then one might say, "Matter was already there before anything was created." Interesting.

If I were to ask you to draw a circle on a piece of paper, you would take the pen and draw the circle, in other words; you created the circle. But was the circle already there before you created it? By all means, no, a creator (you) created and formed the circle.

One might say, "But there are facts on evolution, how man adapts to his environment over millions of years and there are facts of the big bang," that's fine, but it all boils down to the basics; what then created matter?

Regardless of a person's scientific background and degrees, it is impossible to answer this question, why do I say this? Simply because my question would be, "And what created 'that' and then 'that'?"

Many shy away from proving the existence of God, but I believe that we have more facts than those of the scientists.

Demons are real. There is physical proof of individuals who become demon possessed. Surely if there are demons, it then proves that there is a supernatural existence? Which would mean that there has to be a God?

A few signs/facts from Matthew 24:

SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL (God's Word, The Bible)
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the time will come." - Matthew 24:14

The gospel is now available in over 3900 languages and over 80% of the world's population has access to at least some portion of scripture in a relevant language.

"There will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places." - Matthew 24:7

1 in 6 people starve every day - that's over 1 billion people.
AIDS is increasing dramatically with over 50 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
Earthquakes have increased by over 50 times since the 1950's.

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." - Matthew 24:12

Close to half of all marriages end in divorce. There are a lot more people that break the law every day. Jails are overpopulated, countless crimes being committed etc.

"And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." - Matthew 24:6&7

Since World War 2, there has not been a year that has gone by without a significant war.
Global military expenditure has exceeded 1 trillion dollars per year since 2005.

Interesting to note how accurate these words are seeing as it was written many hundreds of years ago. This generation is the only generation in history where we can tick off each one of these signs from Matthew 24.

Some more basic facts:

The Earth has a covering around it called the ozone layer which protects us against the UV rays from the sun.
The sun is the perfect distance away from the Earth.
The moon has been orbiting the Earth since creation.
The Earth’s gravity keeps us in perfect orbit.
There are different currents in the ocean - distributing warmth and coldness around the Earth which has an effect on the weather.
There are millions of different animals, creatures, plant species and trees on Earth.

All of this, working in perfect harmony with each other. What would happen if just one of the cycles in nature had to stop or disappear?

A simple example would be; bees. If the world had no bees, humans would cease to exist within 5 years (according to one of the greatest scientific minds, Einstein) and it is true as they form a vital part in the processes of nature.

But surely "matter" knew this and it created bees in the way they were intended to be made because it adapts to the environment? I guess so, or perhaps it is a coincidence or a creation of God?

All must be a coincidence? That's for you to decide.

Below I have attached a few images of nature in its true beauty. Perhaps this is God's way of saying, "Wake up, open your eyes and smell the roses?"

Romans 1:19&20 - "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

The beauty about each individual is that we are all unique and we all have the ability to make up our own choices through our perceptions of life, however, this is all that it took for me to have my eyes opened and to realise that I can't live with "one foot in the world and one foot out."

Deuteronomy 30:19&20 - "I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented you with life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, so that you will live, you and your descendants and that you may love the Lord your God, paying attention to what He says and clinging to Him - for that is the purpose of your life."

I am forever grateful to have had my eyes opened. If you would like to find out more regarding this topic or have any questions/comments, please mail me:

What are your views of unbelief and faith?

Thank you for reading this message.


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